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10 Frame Quilt Box

Colorado winters can be tough on your bees.  While bees are in cluster inside the hive during winter, they are creating heat and moisture.  The moisture rises and typically will collect on the inner cover, only to later rain down on your bees and get them wet...if the temperature drops below freezing, your bees will freeze to death.  Bees can tolerate cold temperatures if they stay dry. The Quilt Box removes the excess moisture in your hive. The lower edges of the side panels allow moisture to dissipate out of the sides of the box.  The placement of the screen allows feed such as fondant or winter patties to be placed below easily. Fill the bottom of the quilt box with an absorbent material such as wood shavings(included... Horse stall bedding works great!) to about 1 inch below the lip of the lower vent edge.  Place on your top box, then on top of the quilt box, place your inner cover and telescoping lid.  If using in conjunction with a candy board, place the Quilt Box on top of the candy board.